more about me
Having grown up in a Sydney beachside suburb, the sun and the sea are important elements for me and through them I connect with my family of origin.
My curiosity in the diversity around me - and in me - was heightened by moving to London in the mid 1990s and revelling in the diversity of races and languages from around the world in this huge, former(?) European colonial centre.
Following a tragic event in our friendship group more than ten years ago, the enriching experience of becoming a parent-like figure in the lives of ‘our’ two, now young adults has been one that has given me my most joy and learning.​
Qualifying as a family and systemic psychotherapist from a non-traditional pathway, I bring a diversity of background and a wealth of professional experience from multiple working contexts that preceded my work as a therapist. After early retail and hospitality work I worked in the information technology industry before moving on to administration and managerial work in an adult education setting for a complementary medicine organisation before then joining the NHS in primary care management.
I commenced my systemic psychotherapy training in my late 40s and took time to learn from a number of talented and skilful supervisors and mental health professionals.
It is such a great privilege to have learned so much from my many clients over the years who have willingly shared so much of themselves in our sessions together.
“Michael shows great commitment to the families he is working with. He has a wide range of skills and abilities that he uses to be useful to those he works with. He is particularly strong in addressing areas of difference and anti-oppressive practice.” (Clinical Supervisor, 2010-13)