the way i work
I aim in my therapeutic work to be inclusive and collaborative, alongside clients, in order to provide a safe, non-judgemental and confidential space for clients to speak and be heard.
We will think about current relationships, earlier relationships and those that are significant from our past. Sometimes, by thinking about the relationships our forebears had with their forebears, we can consider how relationships that traverse the generations in our families of origin and/or families of choice have had influence on our lived experience.
In my practice I tend to ask a lot of questions, hopefully novel and useful ones. I try to ensure, though, that clients understand that it is always their choice as to whether to answer the questions that are asked. This is one of the ways in which I regularly try to seek client permission for continuing with our work. It is important that our conversations together move at a pace that best suits the client.
I have particular interests in how we identify, in what we have in common with others, in how we differ both visibly and invisibly and in how we position

others and get positioned by others in our various relationships. I believe that, through exploration and applying an understanding of the impact of societal, cultural and institutional hierarchies of power and privilege, we can come to better appreciate our situations and relationships, leading to an increased empowerment to make informed choices in our lives.
Hopefully, some of the many questions I ask will help clients to challenge the stories they tell of themselves, to find new meanings and new connections and so allow different, strength-based and positive stories to emerge.
It all sounds serious, doesn’t it? Well, yes, but I also like to find space for some humour and so remind ourselves that our humanity is more than our challenges, pain and difficulties.
The therapy I offer is not intended to be long term. The length of time will depend on the client and how long the sessions are being useful. As to frequency, for individual clients we may start at weekly or two-weekly session then move to longer gaps as the work progresses. For two or more clients together, we wouldn’t usually meet more often than every two to three weeks. As well as being more affordable, the additional time between sessions allows for more space to reflect on our conversations of the previous session.
I adhere at all times to the AFT and UKCP code of ethics. As required for continuing professional registration, I undertake regular consultation sessions with a clinical supervisor as a way to help me think more deeply about my clients and to challenge any rigidity in my own thinking that might be affecting the work.